Story Behind the Song
I wrote this song after spending my third full summer at Ferry Beach in Saco, ME in 1979, and recorded it in 1983 with Conny Allman-Walsh, posessor of a beautiful voice. The song pretty much says it all.
There is a song, a Ferry Beach song...
That sings in my heart all day long.
It's there in the breeze on a warm summer's night,
It's as true as the sun and as bright.
This is a place where I belong.
Try to convince me I'm wrong.
I believe that it's true, you belong here too.
Come on back, I'll be here when you do.
I'm not really this sentimental about it all...
I've felt the rain here, too.
Through winter's icy years, my quiet memory hears...
The summer tides where life is good and true.
There is a song, a Ferry Beach song...
That sings in my heart all year long.
It rings by the sea, shining love, and it's free.
In a warm embrace, we share discovery.