Story Behind the Song
Deep Peace came out of a long process of musical exploration and meditation, and then it almost wrote itself. We live near Washington, D.C. where talk of war and a state of siege seems to reign late in this year 2002. Someone had sent me the ancient invocation of Deep Peace, and I found it three years later in a pile of papers. We began to work on it as a song, and in a week, we were in the studio beginning to record. It came smoothly, with only one or two takes for each of the eight tracks we used. It was as if the song was asking to be sung, was asking to be heard, was asking to be shared. Deep Peace to you!
Deep Peace I breathe unto you
O, weariness, here
O, aching, here
Deep Peace, Deep Peace
Deep Peace, Deep Peace
A soft white dove to you
A quiet rain to you
An ebbing wave to you
Of the quiet earth to you
Om Shanti, Om Shanti,
Om Shanti, Om Shanti
Red wind of the east from you
Grey wind of the west to you
Dark wind of the north from you
Blue wind of the south to you
Salaam Aleikhum, Salaam Aleikhum
Salaam Aleikhum, Salaam Aleikhum
Pure red of the flame to you
Pure white of the grass to you
Pure brown of the earth to you
Pure grey of the dew to you
Paz a Nosotros, Paz a Nosotros
Paz a Nosotros, Paz a Nosotros
Pure blue of the sky to you
Of the running wave to you
Of the flowing air to you
Of the sleeping stones to you
Shir Ha Shalom, Shir Ha Shalom
Shir Ha Shalom, Shir Ha Shalom
From the Heart of Peace to you
From the Mother of Fire to you
From the Flock of Stars to you
From Who You Are to You
Deep Peace, Deep Peace
Deep Peace, Deep Peace
Deep Peace, Deep Peace