Story Behind the Song
it was about 3 in the morning and i was in a really emo mood. the lyrics are all about being dumped, but how its kind of bittersweet, like every song really is in some way. lol.
you cant, tell it to my face, but you can send me an email. trying to erase, all that we had, and all that we couldve been. you cant, tell it to my face but you can have your friend write me a note. trying to forget, yeah trying to erase, all that we had, and all that we could've been. you cant say that you never really, noticed me. you cant lie to me like that (i wont believe you like before). you cant slam that door in my face ('cause i wont take it anymore). [a simple lullaby, that i had sang to you, sang to you at night. on the phone or in person, i always tucked (i always tucked you in). i always listened to you breathe, as you fell asleep, as i fell asleep in your arms. but i can't now, you said that you don't want me to call. no, you don't want me at all.]