Story Behind the Song
The song is about a couple's life together
and how it seems like a roller coaster ride.
Along for the Ride
By Vicki Forman
Our lives have been a coaster ride
The heart stopping drops, slow up hill climb
Afraid we’ll run off track, when the ride gets to fast.
You’re sitting there by my side
Saying, “Relax, I’m along for the ride”
Shooting skyward beyond the neon lights
Our spirits lifts up flying though the night
You laugh without a care, while I’m still scared
Your arms safely hold me tight
Saying, “Relax, I’m along for the ride”
This life spins so fast
We are out of control
Only tough love can last
Through the dark unknown
I’m along for the ride
Rushing straight down to our first dip
The thrill of life brings a smile across your lips
Ascending the next crest, my face hides in your chest
You gently rest your head next to mine
Saying, “Relax, I’m along for the ride”
Our lives have been a coaster ride
The heart stopping drops, slow up hill climb
From beginning to end, I’d take this crazy ride again
I’m safe and happy with you by my side
Saying, “Relax, I’m along for the ride”