my cell phone, it rings
what conflict it brings.
another night, another day,
ill forget about it anyway.
take last night, was my bad,
but next time we wont have
my countless actions, too obscene,
its not my fault, i was seventeen.
how 'bout those nights
that you spent with me
the expedition, just us three
this conversation is getting old
like pointless stories never told
like road trips, and long walks
all-nighters running
twelve bucks a box
those nights we stayed out
'til half past three
our junior summer, i was seventeen.
maybe im just out of things to write about
what messed up consequences would that bring about
ive conquered all my misery and my self doubt
so why not give me one more thing to talk about
when i was only seventeen.
my cell phone, it rings
just leave me be, i was seventeen.