When I saw the eyes of the enemy, of the enemy, I threw my weapons down. When I saw the face, carved out of hate, it burned my soul. I recognize the blindness and the pain, and I watched myself replaced. With a target board, and a Ketchup Stain, and a dream of home. Watch the little kids, running outside, mimicking our lives, play our battle games. Arbitrary teams, that's how it seems, anyway. And I wonder who first drew the line, crushing them against the wall, with a barbed wire coil, and a bitter fright, and safety's call.
When I saw the ash that was once a home, mixed with broken bones, I threw my weapons down. When I saw my name, carved into walls, it burned my soul. I recognize the desperations smell, and the hopelessness as well.As a history, repeats itself, and turns to stone. Two sides, one goal. Two truths, one name. Two sides, one soul, but you can't, win this game. When I saw the eyes of the enemy, of the enemy, I threw my weapons down. When I saw my name, carved into walls, it burned my soul.