Story Behind the Song
Beethoven's Sonata #27, Opus 90, was the inspiration for this piece. While humming this tune as I was falling asleep, the words came to me at 3AM on Thanksgiving Day morning, 2002. As I am hooked up to a dialysis machine every night, I had to remember the words until morning when I could write them down.
In the hills that surround
the little town of Bethlehem
there were shepherds abiding
when the angels came to them.
"Fear not!", they said,
"Be not afraid,
for in a lowly manger
a new-born king is laid."
"Rejoice! Ve glad!"
the chorus sang,
and so the shepherds marveled
at the joyous news they brang.
High above, in the heavens,
shining in the eastern skies,
was a star so amazing
you would scarce believe your eyes.
Three wise men knew
this was the way
to find the baby Jesus
they knew would come some day,
and so, with frankincense
and gold,
they sought the great Messiah
the prophets had foretold.
Holy One, in that manger,
lying on that bed of hay,
you so humbled the wise men
when they brought their gifys that day.
and since that time
we bring good cheer
to celebrate the birthday
of Jesus Christ each year,
but will it touch
our hearts that we
will truly live His Gospel
and His disciples be?