A Mill Town’s no Place to Love a Woman
A mill town’s no place to love a woman,
The air is too thick and too sour,
A mill town’s no place to love a woman,
And I think I’m feelin’ lonelier by the hour,
When I’m old and grey I want a place by the Riverside,
Until then, I’m going away,
To a city where every Friday night they sing Rock n’ Roll music,
And God doesn’t have any jokes left to play,
In my town there’s drinkin’, fishin’ and old fashioned music,
Broken bottles, smoky kitchens, and a boarded up downtown,
But all the pretty young ladies are either married or spoken for,
Or at least that’s what they say to me,
A mill town’s no place to love a woman,
The air is too thick and too sour,
A mill town’s no place to love a woman,
Lord I think that I’m finally going to sell,
This rainy early morning I’m leaving the St. Lawrence Valley,
Though I’ll never forget the green fields and the tall Seaway ships,
I’m going to try my luck in the big city,
Cause sleepin’ beside a guitar ain’t much fun,
God what would we do without the paper mill,
With the silver smoke stacks that reach for the sky,
Where our grandfathers slaved day after day,
And fed their families through all the lean years,
A mill town’s no place to love a woman,
The air is too thick and too sour,
A mill town’s no place to love a woman,
And I think I’m feelin’ lonelier by the hour,
Chords: C, F, G