Story Behind the Song
Like I said, this song was inspired partially by Elliot Smith, but mostly by a love that went all wrong. When I wrote this, though, it was just starting to go wrong, and I was still hoping and trying to make it go right. I couldn't write this song now.
This thought of you revolves around a summer dress
All red with white polka dots, the bareness of your face, your legs, your arms, I must confess it turns me on.
This thought of you returns now to this summer night.
The worst summer of my life - you kissed and cried and sighed as you were leaving, you were grieving, you were gone.
A pocketful of beans, I planted them in a row.
The neighbor kids found out, they dug them up, and now they're dead, and now they're gone -- so I guess it's time to go.
Will my plan make you safer?
Will your plan make me harder?
I don't know.
This wasn't suppossed to happen, it was all an open book
with bittersweet reminders of the way you used to look, you looked so good, you looked so cute, you looked so free
I prayed to all my patron saints everyday
for goodness and salvation and for you to go away, you went away and now I ain't really me
I packed up all your gifts in a paper shopping bag
these bobby pins and ankle socks and Beatles songs and old grenades and old price tags and games you used to play.
Will my love make you softer?
Will your love make me stronger?
I can't say.
A prettier librarian I've never seen
with hair of black and skin of white and eyes of blue and lips of red and dress of brown and shoes of burnished green.
I remember how you sat behind that counter there
you guarded for five bucks an hour, that door of brass, that iron gate, forbidden face and flowers in your hair.
Is it safe to be open?
Is it sane to be broken?
I don't care.
'Cause I know I was made to be with you
I know I was made to be with you
I know I was made to be with you