Story Behind the Song
This song is a 'fantasy', inspired by sitting in a kitchen with a guitar, watching the girlfriend of a fellow band member, through the doorway, watching TV in the living room. A "What if...?" song, about getting married, having kids, then meeting someone you love much more than your spouse, and the impossible emotional situation it would create in your life (not autobio-graphical in any way - Jackson is a life-long bachelor). Like the other songs in this list, this is a tape demo from an unfinished CD project, from the year 2001.
A young man is sitting in the kitchen
Sipping on a beer,
In the other room watching T.V.
Is his wife of just three years,
A painful thought is on his mind
As he's trying to think clear,
And realizing there is no solution
His eyes begin to tear
Now, he already thought
He had found his love in life,
Now, who's heart will be broken,
Husband, lover, or wife?
He met his new love, quite by chance,
At a cafe during lunchtime,
But when lover's eyes finally meet,
It's a bond that lasts a lifetime,
Now he loves this girl so very much,
He finds it so hard to believe,
If he follows his heart, instead of his mind,
Then, his home he'll have to leave.
Now he uses the words that men use
To tell their lovers they really need them,
He had used them before, but now he speaks
With the power of true love to guide him,
But there is no guidance, there is no help
To tell the mother of his children,
That a big mistake was made three years ago,
She is no longer his only woman.