El Diablo. . .
He enters the room raving about some shit an ex-girlfriend of his put him through at the bar tonight; and how all women (present company excepted, of course) suck.
He’s a pretty boy with an angular frame and a lazy eye that makes him look like a bantamweight. And at twenty-four, he says he’s had it with all the women who only wanna fuck him. He hates them; and he’s tired of their bullshit. He tells me about the shit that’s happened in his life; Prison, Fucked Up Romances, a whole ton of shit he’s lived through in a short amount of time. But mostly, he’s sick and tired of all the women who only wanna fuck him.
Let me tell you something; when you’re ten years older and thirty pounds overweight; when you’re squeezing your ass into a pair of jeans
two sizes too small, and you’re hiking them up to your nipples to hide your gut; and you think you look fucking great, when really you only look like an asshole?
You’re gonna wish one of those women would still wanna fuck you; and brother, it ain’t gonna happen. So get your dick wet now, junior; and look for love among the ashes later. It’s better that way; and you’ll find a whole lot of us out here with you. . .