Story Behind the Song
I simply felt the need to express my displeasure with those people who insist on wasting good cookie dough by inserting raisins.
It turns out that it's a coffeehouse favorite. I know this because it's one of the few times people actually look up from their game of dominoes or checkers.
The recording is a live studio take--no polishing to speak of. You get me and the guitar with all the zits showing...
You'll find this song hidden a minute or two after The Laundromat Song.
I heard it from a co-worker
on the other side of the cube
someone brought in homemade cookies
but she only left a few
I rushed out of my chair
down toward the coffee machine
when I spied a plate of crumbs
with one cookie left for me
I looked down to the left of me
I looked down to my right
I didn't want to look like a pig
takin' that last cookie in sight
That cookie was baked
to a perfect golden brown
but when I took my first bite
I couldn't believe what I found...
I got the "thought they would be gooey,
but they turned out to be chewy,
raisins masquerading
as a Toll House morsel cookie" blues
Yeah the raisin cookie blues...
(let me tell ya' about 'em...)
They're ok in raisin bran, or trail mix
But don't put 'em in my cookies
'cuz they look like chocolate chips
Well, you can say I'm overreacting
that raisins are no need to bellow
but to me, that's as demented
as putting pineapple in my green Jell-O
Don't tell me they're good for me
"Cuz I know the truth
A cookie's no place for some dried up old fruit
To each their own,
and you can say that you love 'em
But if you want some fiber and some nutrition
why don't you eat a bran muffin
You can put in my cookies
Oatmeal, M&Ms or even walnuts
or you can put in them
some white chocolate chunks
or some of those funky macadamia nuts
but don't ever, I mean ever,
no ifs, ands or buts,
don't put raisins in my cookies
or I'll go nuts