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    "Death of the Nations"genre: Poetry
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    A reading by the Author
    CD: dimension dancing   Label: Cafe' Be At
    Credits: Written and performed by Armond Blackwater

    Story Behind the Song
    A description of the Utopian world that exists after the abolition of all Nations.

    Death of the Nations

    The death of the nations
    Came finally
    After a long and arduous journey
    Many lives were wasted
    Along the way
    Many souls were incinerated
    In defense of flags
    In defense of an ideal
    That was not worthy
    Of a second of consideration
    In support of altruistic self-sacrifice

    A pitiable squandering of spirit and soul

    The death didn't come easy
    The Nations would not die easily
    For without the Nations
    The Leaders
    Would have nothing to lead

    Nothing to lead!
    Nobody to subjugate!
    Would slip from their hands
    And the Leaders would find death
    As their only recourse

    The Leaders
    Who steered the ark of mankind
    On a devastating path
    Away from true spirituality
    Away from self-actualisation
    Away from self-awareness
    Away from self-realisation
    Disconnecting all
    From the Oceans
    From the Mountains
    From the Forests
    From the Sky
    From the Stars
    From the Moon
    From the Earth
    From the Galaxy
    And the Universe

    In pursuit of Things

    The Leaders had said,
    "Things will make you happy
    You must have things to be happy
    You can have enough things to be happy
    You don't have all of the things
    Thus, happiness cannot be yours
    Happiness can never be yours
    But you must try
    You must achieve
    You must sacrifice yourself
    For the Things
    Of all
    Things for the Leaders
    The wise and knowledgeable Leaders.
    For without the Leaders
    You are nothing.
    You cannot survive.
    You cannot make it on your own.
    You are too frail and feeble a creature
    To make it on your own
    You need the Leaders
    You need the Nation
    Bow down to the Leaders
    The Leaders are great
    The Leaders are your only chance
    For survival
    Pledge allegiance
    To the Nations
    And the Leaders
    Will allow you to survive
    The Leaders
    Will allow you to breathe
    The Leaders
    Will give you Things
    Great Things
    Things that will make you happy
    The Leaders require that
    Many of you must make
    The ultimate sacrifice
    You must lay down your life
    To promote the Nations
    To promote the Leaders
    Even though
    The Leaders are Wise
    And Knowledgeable,
    The Leaders can find
    No peaceful resolution
    To the conflict
    Over the Things
    Things that will make you happy
    Things that you must want
    Things that you must crave
    Things that you must possess
    To be happy,
    It is the Price
    The Price of Things
    So that the Leaders may have Things
    So that the Leaders may have Power
    You cannot survive without the Leaders
    Or the Things

    Look not inside yourself
    It's too scary in there
    It's scary inside of you
    You musn't go there
    Open not
    The Doors to your soul
    Seek not
    The Light within
    The Light is Evil
    The Light knows not
    Of Things
    The Light cares not
    For Things
    The Light is Evil"

    The Leaders feared the Light
    Lightness could eliminate
    Dependence on the Leaders
    Dependence on the Nations
    Lightness would illuminate
    The Spirit within
    Lightness was Evil

    The Death of the Nations
    Began innocently enough
    With the burst of technology
    In the waning days of the Century
    At first, the Leaders loved the new technology
    Many new Things were generated by the new technology
    Though they were Wise and knowledgeable
    The Leaders failed to perceive
    The danger to Nations and Power
    That the new technology brought
    They failed to recognise
    The dangers of allowing
    The drones of the Nations
    To communicate across the boundaries of Nations
    Soon the drones realised
    That the drones of other Nations
    Were much like themselves
    That they were not evil empires
    But simply lost souls
    Blindly following the Leaders
    As lemmings
    Toward the chasm
    Drones began to question the validity
    Of the teachings of the Leaders
    Of the quest for Things
    At the sacrifice of their souls
    And their lives
    Music began to take over as the universal language
    That bound all drones
    To their creator
    To the Lightness within themselves

    Too late, Too late
    The Leaders realised the threat
    To their Power
    To the ideals that provided the Power
    To the Things

    By that time
    The war was over
    The Leaders had lost
    The drones had already found
    The Lightness within
    The drones discovered
    That within them
    God existed
    That they were the God
    Of their own universe
    That as God
    They had the Power
    To survive without the Things
    Without the Leaders
    Without the Nations

    And then,
    The drones systematically
    The Nations

    The drones became One
    One within themselves
    One with the Oceans
    One with the Mountains
    One with the Forests
    One with the Sky
    One with the Stars
    One with the Moon
    One with the Earth
    One with the Galaxy
    One with the Universe.

    That is when the Leaders died
    And all mankind
    Celebrated the orgy that was
    The Death of the Nations.

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