Story Behind the Song
Armond wrote the lyrics while watching the Oklahoma City Bombing anniversary coverage. This is the first and only performance of the song to date. Armond flubs the words in a few spots. Well, that's what LIVE @ Cafe' Be At means: Raw and real with no second takes.
You've Been Drafted
By Oklahoma City,
By Waco,
By Ruby Ridge
By Wounded Knee!
The war has begun
There is nowhere to run
Nowhere to hide
No where is safe
No place secure
No shelter
No safe fucking harbor.
Welcome to the war.
There are no civilians.
Everyone is drafted!
All five billion humans
On the sixth rock from the edge.
The inevitable global civil war
The war that will purge the human species
Of it's accumulated
Few will survive!
Who will survive?
Who started this war?
Was it
(Those Jews)
Or was it,
Them A Rabs,
Or was it,
The CommieReds,
The N-words,
Or can we blame:
Those crazy ragheaded Moslems?
Cow worshipping Hindu's?
Christians are a always pickin' a fight somewhere
In the name of some mythical lord.
And Those Jews again.
Certainly the Buddhist's can be exonerated!
No lack of suspects in this mystery.
Could the portly Baptist preacher
Up to his ass
In water
Thumpin' the word
Pumpin' the flesh
Could it be
Gawd's will?
The words sear my throat
But he's been right all along.
It is Gawd's will.
Compare the words
Of Siddharta Gautama,
Of Elijah Mohammed,
Of Charles Darwin,
Of Joseph Campbell,
Of Plato and Christ,
Of Sophocles and Red Cloud,
And most importantly,
Of Sir Isaac Newton.
This war was caused by:
The Mother of All Wars.
All we pitiful humans have done...
With our toys and tools,
Despite our grand, arrogant view of our Powers...
Is accelerated the process
Of natural selection.
Raped and humiliated
By sugar growers
And the Corps of Engineers,
By meddling scien-ticians
And Insatiable oilmen,
Gang raped and left for dead
By The Priests of Wall Street.
Survivor of 4 billion revolutions
'Round a flaming orb.
Five billion humans
Cannot live together
With myths ten millennium old
Painted on cave walls
When cowering hominids
Sought to describe
Fearful events
In the darkened sky.
Taste the plants
See a vision
Talk to God.
Paint a wall.
Basis for
TV's movie of the week,
Foundation for
A Civilization?
Wars between men
Never have a winner.
Starting a war Against Nature
Fragile little creature
Engaging it's habitat as an enemy
"Forgive them father
For they know not what they do."
Yeah, yeah, fucking yeah.
We've heard it before,
From the universe.
Let's get ready to rummmmm-bulll!!!
In this corner -- The Challenger,
Wearing clothes for some odd reason,
Weighing in at twenty-five centuries,
And spouting a record of
Zero wins and
Endless losses,
Hailing from the planet earth,
It's the bipeds with underdeveloped lobes.
And in the opposite corner -- The Universe,
Wearing perfection,
And weighing in at infinite mass and energy,
Champion of all that is and can be:
The Universe."
It's time to start over
fellow dimwits
While it's still our choice.
Like it or not,
All of Man's irrelevant laws will be
Erased, Yah dig.
"What is the law,
Not to go on all fours,
That is the law." HG Wells.