Story Behind the Song
I was disgusted by the way that some people were treating Arab-Americans (or people that looked liked Arab-Americans) after Sept. 11th. It was disturbing how quickly everyone forgot what it was that they were pissed off about being attacked. This country is about being yourself and not having to be discriminated against because you are who you are.
You know now that it's two months later
I sit and I think
About my initial reaction
To 911 times 2.
And I remember thinking
When I first heard the news,
"This guy's full of shit.
Why is he telling me this?"
I thought he was joking
So I took it all in stride as I walked to my car.
And even later I still thought the same
As he was still rattling on.
And it wasn't until I saw the buildings on TV
That I came to the realization that he wasn't joking around.
It had happened.
The symbol of capitalism had been brought down.
But the buildings falling down wasn't what bothered me.
No, what bothered me
Was the loss of so many people that were in the wrong place at the wrong time.
And what bothers me now
Is the discrimination against those who don't even play a key.
Ok, sure, they're not in concentration camps,
But they might as well be
Because everyone now gives them the evil eye.
They're scared to go out.
Scared to live.
Talked harshly about when they're not around.
And in some instances,
Abused for coincidentally looking like themselves.
We're so quick to turn against someone
And rip away their rights.
Just because they look a certain way
Doesn't mean they aren't American, too.
They have freedom of speech, religion, press, etc.
They have the right to life, liberty, and
The Pursuit of Happiness.
Everyone's so wrapped up in their new found sense of patriotism
That they've forgotten what it is that they should have been proud of all along.
Because you know what America means to me?
Do you know what America means to me?
The right to be myself & live my life,
Have pride in & respect for my country
All the time,
Not just when it's convenient for society.