Shepherd's Son
(Christmas story fictionalized from nativity narrative in Matthew 2:13-18)
King Herod's soldiers
Seeking the holy child,
Took up their knives, put on their swords
And fanned out in the night.
The youngest soldier,
Aaron the shepherd's son,
Knew only that the night would be
A long, long one.
As Aaron searched the
Hillside near Bethlehem,
He came upon a stable
And heard a child within.
He felt a voice say:
"Aaron, I've chosen you,
Put down your sword, take up my son,
'til this night is through."
Shepherd's Son, guard this child.
Heaven's most precious pearl.
He was born as a gift,
A light for a darkened world.
"Tonight, thy will be done,"
Said the Shepherd's Son.
God's trusted soldier
Cradling a little child,
Set out to lead the family safely
'til the morning light.
The Prince of Peace slipping
Through a fearful land
The weight of the world, the fate of the world
Riding in that soldier's hands.
Shepherd's Son, guard this child.
Heaven's most precious pearl.
He was born as a gift,
A light for a darkened world.
"Tonight, thy will be done."
Said the Shepherd's Son.