Story Behind the Song
This song was the last one to make it on the album "All I Have," and ended up being the title track. The main tracks for all the other songs were recorded when I went away on vacation, and I came back with this song and said, "This has to be on the CD." The song came to me when I was meditating on the goodness of God, and pondering what I could possibly say in a song that hasn't already been said. When it comes down to it though, sometimes we don't need a bunch of words to express our praise -- "hallelujah" pretty much says it all.
I want to sing You a love song, but what is there to say?
I want to paint You a masterpiece, but it’s all been done before some way and
I want to dance You a movement of beautiful ballet,
But all I have are these simple words, and what is there to say?
I say hallelujah, praise be to my King.
A million years won’t be enough to sing You all I want to sing.
Hallelujah, praise be to my King,
Hallelujah, hallelujah, I guess that says everything.
I want to bring You an offering to set the sky ablaze.
I want to build You a monument to testify to Your amazing ways and
I want to play You a symphony of soaring sounds of praise
But all I have are these simple words, and what is there to say?
Hallelujah, holy, holy, holy is the Lamb.
Hallelujah, holy, holy is the Great I Am.
Hallelujah, holy, holy, holy is the Lamb,