Story Behind the Song
I was talking to my teenage son about not being afraid to be himself. I told him that I was a much better person, once a learned to just be who I really am. This song explains how I was a slow learner, but I finally got it.
by Linda McKeeth © 4/16/02
I'm a much better person just being myself,
Than I ever was trying to be somebody else.
Even though I was trying to be perfect as can be.
I'm a much better person just being me.
When I was young I listened to
Every criticism that came.
Changed my direction with each one.
It was almost like a game.
You're too open. I closed up more.
Way too nosy, so I'd start to ignore.
You're too sad. I'd smile happily.
Overly serious, I'd act goofy.
Takes a lot of energy
To always be on guard.
Takes a lot of energy,
Putting on a front is hard.
You're too quiet. I tried loud.
Much too humble, I did proud.
Such a confusing, disturbing time,
When I was trying to please the crowd.
I wasn't much good to anyone
Running to and fro.
I was tired all the time.
Didn't know which way to go.
I was afraid to myself to be true.
See if this applies to you.
Because I listened when others criticized me,
I was afraid of the person I might be.
I didn't have to be afraid,
And neither do you.
Part of heaven is found in me.
That's also true for you.
I'm a much better person, just by being me.
A much better person, try it you will see.
When I went down that road of self discovery.
What an exciting trip, getting to know me.
I'm a much better person,
Just by being me.
So much better person,
Try it you will see.