Story Behind the Song
Chase wrote the first verse of lyrics on the day of the recording, in the car on the way to the studio! "Sometimes it just takes a while for the perfect words to come to me". Chase admits he was speechless due to the fact that the second and third verses were already written and they were struggling for wisdom to write the first. "David wrote them down while I drove the Jetta". Chase adds. "It took 20 minutes".
The chorus was changed at the very last minute. David Filer came up with this chorus and threw it in there in the last moments of production. "The chorus we had chosen before that was too slow". Sayeth Dave. Though it seemed to have deeper meaning, our original chorus for the song did not make the final cut. We are very well pleased with their decision.
Washed in the blood of the lamb yes I am but it's not as easy as you think it is man. Trust me, it's not all peaches and cream, living your life clean, opposite of obscene. What these eyes have seen will build your faith see the Lord created time and space. Your feet hands and face, matta fact this whoie place. We need his grace.(uuuh-huuuh) But not all have ears, and not all have eyes. How unwise is this disguise, let me emphasize this disguise is a layer covering our ears and eyes. Not allowing us to see the actual size, of the one who is wise. The one who never dies. His well never dries, and he never lies so I let him be my eyes, it's no surprise.
Can't nobody sing the blues like my Lord can sing the blues cuz ain't nobody had the blues like my Lord had the blues.
Look at my life and try to read between the lines but this paper is thicker with colorful desighns. I'd look back on my crimes but what can I say? I gotta keep living for today. I gotta find my way, yes how do you do? When you sin does it make you miserable too? Or is it just me. Am I too blind to see? Does Lucifer have a spot reserved for me? He better not, cuz I heard hell is hot. My stomach's all in a knot! I feel like takin a shot or maybe some pot! Please will you cure this disease? give me ears to hear and eyes to see. Set me free! Cuz I don't even wanna see, what the underworld has in store for me. I call on thee. Lord I call on thee!
I've been stressed cuz!
On the reel, that's real, but 10 million others know just how you feel!
But I could be the best cuz!
Nothin can be that never was, especially if you're not guided by the one above.
I believe in him man, but sometimes
where's his helping hands?
All blessings come in due time, it has to be his plans.
So you're sayin gotta watch my ways
watch how I play, and turn the other
cheek, when a punch comes my way?
You gotta do that son and a whole lot more.
Understand, God teaches love, not war.
So the lesson is God is the best weapon.
Against teptation, greed, lust and he's