Destination: MOON!
You're stupid and ignorant, This we know,
So we're building a rocket for us to go,
Build us a colony and live on the moon,
We'll start a new world with a population of two,
Packing our bags and leaving soon,
There's no looking back, it's Destination: MOON
We're leaving behind your filth and decay,
You can't come with us, no matter what you say,
The idiots
Without you here, we cannot breathe,
We need you here, please don't leave,
Our brainwaves cease when you aren't here,
Our hearts won't work when you aren't near
People of Earth, we've ignored your pleas,
You can't come with us so get off of your knees,
We're ashamed to be humans, now we no longer are,
No longer earth-bound mortals, but rockin' celestial stars,
Don't question our motives, they are ours alone,
We're leaving you to yourselves, you silly mindless drones,
Our noncomformist minds weren't meant for this place,
You can go to Hell 'cos we're going to outerspace,