Story Behind the Song
I was having so much fun writing songs and exploring this new talent. I began wondering why I hadn't discovered this side of me a long time ago. This song is the result of that contemplation.
by Linda McKeeth © 3/14/02
We all have our timetable.
We all have our schedule.
Be patient, and
Be prepared to sail.
Fifty. I had to be fifty.
For me it was fifty.
Before I let my ship, let my ship,
Let my ship come sailing in.
I think it had something to do,
With living my life and paying my dues.
Experience is a great teacher
Of how to get your ship to shore.
Stopped worrying about what people think,
And failure didn't make me blink,
Because you can't be insecure,
And bring your ship to the shore.
It hit like a lightning bolt.
My ship had to be ready to float.
I've learned some of the reasons why.
Now, I'm here to testify.
Learned to enjoy life along the way,
Instead of waiting for some day.
Some day never seemed to come.
As long as I chased it, it would run.
All my life I've waited for
My ship to come into the shore.
Now I'm bringing it around the bend.
Its sails are full, it's caught the wind.
It took me fifty years to see
When I grow up, what I want to be.
Now that I have figured it out,
I just want to start to shout.