Story Behind the Song
Well I was watching this show on Sci-fi channel one day, it was about angels and satan.. so I went and downloaded some of the sound clips I liked from it, and a couple years later I was fooling around with my mixer and got this nice beat going, recoded it, rem-ixed it and put in the vocals. The orginal was in stero I'm not sure which version this is, I like it, and have tewaked it quite a bit, adding in vocals and such.
Happy to dissapoint you.
Welcome to sleep.
'just figured I was dead
'just figured I was dead
'just figured I was dead-dead-dead
not bad for a.. human
'just figured i was dead back there when I saw that angel coming for me
Whenever god needed to punish somone, make an exmaple. Or whenever god needed a killing.. he sent an angel. Did you ever wonder what a creature like that must be like? A whole existance spent praising their god, always with one wing dipped in blood. Would you ever really want to see an angel?
Your Razor's looking at me while I'm falling.
Razors in your mouth answer me while I'm calling.
I thought I knew the whore I was but i'm moving.
you get what you want shupus pig, so deserving.
Qwell.. feel supernatural razor-like words.
I used to carry on your faith, but now I'm not so sure.
conviction, bleeding lies, like.. seeping sores, push my thoughts stright through your hand like every time before.
Splesh, splesh, Corrode.
everything you think you know, smile while you forget.
everything that you regret..
kill, kill, explode
You bring a gun you're failing to load
hate, me, belive
often lies you what it's seen
splesh, splesh, corrode
everything you think you know, smile while you forget.
everything that you regret..
happy to dissapoint you
happy to dissapoint you
happy to dissapoint you
happy to dissapoint you
I kill myself
I kill myself
I kill myself
I kill myself
I kill myself