Gobo is the leader of the Fraggle Clan
Pink hair on his head with a guitar in his hand
travels ‘cross da garden for a wise trash-can
Adventure is his game cause Gobo is da man!
Mokey is a poet known across the land
Robed in a big grin, she has a master plan
Looks like she’s all stoked –in a drugged up way!
I hope you know the flow when doozers come this way!
(Chorus 1)
Red has the energy, pool is where she’s got ta be
Win the first prize at the yo-yo meet.
Gymnastics is her favorite treat
She’s the party, feel her beat
Remember that her name is Red –on the street!
Wembly worries life away
Knots his tail for luck today
Admirin’ at Gobo is his favorite play.
I wonder if he’d ever want to,
be a Dee Jay, He just got to
He’s the nerd kid just like I am
bein who we got to be!
Boober, yeah, remember this one
Shy and gloomy, tagged along on
trips and then when things seemed tough
He saved the day!
(Chorus 1 and 2)
Chorus 1
I miss my –Gobo
I miss my –Mokey, Red
I miss my –Wembley, Boober
I miss my –Fraggle Rock!
Chorus 2
I hate the --Big Gorg Monsters
I hate Junior, Ma and Pa
I want a Radish Garden
To see the Fraggles a lot
To see my Fraggle’s Rock
To see my Fraggle’s Rock.