spoilt protégée slides from a
muddy gene pool to fire bullets,
to drown out the screaming inside,
space invaded now it’s
time to kick down the walls and make
everybody else pay
on the line between your,
contempt and curiosity I,
assess the measure of your worth,
unknown quantities baffle,
and so you try your best to,
try and make me tick
heaving chest and pin-prick bosom,
chains around a clenched fist,
enough to quicken your waters,
extinguish the flames of duplicitous bliss,
escape the comforting fortress,
may you never want what you really want
comic book antihero,
adventure awaits all those who are,
daring enough to venture,
overdose on bittersweet romance,
idealist fantasy figure,
a substitute for daddy?
inhale the scent,
destined to tangle, like gum in your hair,
sweet samantha,
never unlucky to me,
100 feet below,
buried with your evil twin,
smirking alter ego,
playing to latent desire