Jesu Redemptor omnium
Quem lucis ante originem,
Parem paternæ gloriæ,
Pater supremus edidit.
Tu lumen et splendor Patris,
Tu spes perenis omnium:
Intende quas fundunt preces,
Tui per orbem servuli.
Memento, rerum Conditor,
Nostri quod olim corporis,
Sacrata ab alvo Virginis
Nascendo, formam sumpseris.
Tesatur hoc præsens dies
Currens per anni circulum
Quod solus e sinu Patris
Mundi salus adveneris.
Hunc astra, tellus, æquora,
Hunc omne quod cœlo subest,
Salutis auctorem novæ
Novo salutat cantico.
Et nos, beata quos sacri
Rigavit unda sanguinis,
Natalis ob diem tui,
Hymni tributum solvimus.
Jesu tibi sit gloria,
Qui natus es de Virgine
Cum Patre et almo Spiritu
In sepiterna sæcula.
[Jesus, Redeemer of All,
Whom from light before the beginning
Was equal to the Father’s glories,
And from the Father above was sent,
Thou light and brightness of the Father,
Thou continuous hope of all mankind
Who through thy guided prayer directs
Young servants through the world,
Remember, Creator of All Things,
That for us in earlier times
The holy body, this precious form, was born
From the womb of the Virgin.
Throughout this present day,
Continuing every passing year in turn,
Because only out of the form of the Father,
For the health of the world didst thou come.
These stars, this earth, this calm sea,
All this that is under heaven
To the Father of new health
Is paid respect in new song.
And we, blessed because holiness
Pours out in a stream of blood,
Raise hymns of homage
Before the day of thy birth.
Jesus, to thee is given glory,
Thou who art born of the Virgin
With the Father and Life-giving Spirit
Everlasting through the ages.]