Story Behind the Song
I had that line "Belief is the Thief of Reason" going round in my head for days. Then one night I was woken by howling dogs outside and I couldn't get back to sleep. In my half awake/half asleep state, the muse came a visiting and told me the whole story of this boy and explained the bitterness, as well as the truth, behind that phrase that had stuck with me all that time.
I frantically wrote the song down before I forgot it and recorded the melody onto a micro cassette I keep by the side of the bed for just such an occasion. Then collapsed exhausted into sleep - hound dogs or no hound dogs!
Isn't it great when songs come to you like that!
The arrangement owes a whole lot to the concept behind Emmylou's latest & greatest album "Red Dirt Girl" - but of course she was working in a studio with musicians... I was working in my bedroom with a mandolin and Band in a Box!
Bittor Seed
My daddy once told me when I was a kid,
This world's full of lies son,
Some of them well hid.
The truth when it shows its face,
Is kept under lids,
Belief is the thief of reason.
Nobody liked him, that man I adored.
They'd spit as he passed,
Never gave him a good word.
You see he never went to church,
Because he thought it all absurd,
Belief is the thief of reason.
(He'd say)
Accept that what's out there is beautiful son,
Enjoy it while you can,
For it soon may be gone.
Accept that what's out there is all that there is,
Belief is the thief of reason.
He never said folks were stupid to believe,
"Live and let live" was his guide and his creed,
But they couldn't let someone
Just live as they pleased,
Belief is the thief of reason.
Drink and divorce saw him bitter in the end,
He died without a dollar, a lover or a friend.
We all went to Sunday school,
On that Mom would not bend.
Belief is the thief of reason.