Waiting as the sun sets on the passing sky,
Hoping that the moment wont pass me by,
and I don't know if things will go my way,
And as I grow, the waiting seems to stay,
Buckle up, cause here we go
Round and round again,
And as I've learned,
Patience is a virtue of the content,
Blink just once and you may find,
The whole world has past you by,
And the haze of cloudy days,
Has bent your perception
And I don't know,
If things will go my way,
And as I grow,
The waiting seems to stay
The waiting,
the waiting,
Im waiting,
I'm waiting for a better day
Now I'll try so hard to fake,
A perfect heart felt ambiance,
As I sit here and wait,
A million question flood my mind,
I wonder if I believe,
As the stars above me shine,
I'll search for answers in my head,
And its infinite conjestion
And I don't know,
If things will go my way,
And as I grow,
The waiting seems to stay
The waiting,
the waiting,
Im waiting,
I'm waiting for a better day
All I know is what I've learned,
What i've seen, how i've yearned,
Growing up is not the same,
Different rules for different games,
As for all the things I never said,
All the things I never could have been,
There all gone, and Its a waste
Now I'll wait for better days
The waiting,
the waiting,
Im waiting,
I'm waiting for a better day