Story Behind the Song
We are sick of the ignorance of the human species. People should not murder, pollute the earth, bow to false idols, enslave their population, poison their children or sell thier souls for meaningless merchandise. We are not that kind... We are the Sheeple
Sittin arround blazin down with my best friends.
Deep down the sound of the bass kicks in.
It's got me wishin my mission was'nt to sin, but now it's over so let us begin.
I'll play some bach, bethoven, mozart and chopan, twist em in a blunt and smoke em because I can.
Look up all rememvber me, it's ede-your worst enemy...In america.
Bow to your media, bow to your government, bow to those in control-dig yourself a hole
Live in their machine, worship heads of green thats how they control devouring your soul
Vaccinate your kidz, fill them with diesease,
Choaking on the air, dig yourself a hole
Live in their machine, worship heads of green thats how they control devouring your soul
Only in america, do we poison our children
So you prefer as it were, to play the blind man.
Never question a thing, to scared to understand.
But it's a little bit late for that shit now.
The world's just a bit to fucked up now.
They'd rather sit in a labratory with diabolical schemes-commin up with shit to make kids scream.
To them it's not mean, it's just a way to the green - To me it's obsene-spiritualy un-clean
Punishable by death
Bow to your media, bow to your government, bow to those in control-dig yourself a hole
Live in their machine, worship heads of green thats how they control devouring your soul
Vaccinate your kidz, fill them with diesease,
Choaking on the air, dig yourself a hole
Live in their machine, worship heads of green thats how they control devouring your soul
Only in america, do we poison our children