Story Behind the Song
We needed a Themesong so we wrote one. The lyrics mean exactly what they say. It was written and and recorded at our studio 6miles from nowhere. Speedy process, all first takes!
Hey hey, We're the Stonemurkles, we're not old we've just been here a while.
Hey hey, we're the Stonemurkles, yes I'm young and I'm senile.
Hey hey, we're the Stonemurkles, we're both stoned and murkled.
Hey hey, we're the Stonemurkles, and youre not!!
But it's a horrible thing to be...
You wanna get stoned, you wanna get murkled, you wanna be a Stonemurkle....well, FORGET IT!
Hey hey we're the Stonemurkles, you may have seen us on the telly. Well that depends on the drugs youre on. One word about my belly, and you wont be sitting for quite long. Have you ever seen your mama, well she just may have been murkled, and you would understand her, if you knew just what we are!!!