Story Behind the Song
My daughter, Amanda, was having to get up several times a night with her little baby boy, Zane. She was sharing this with me and also how her husband, Aaron, could sleep through it all. It reminded me of my own experiences. We exchanged the usual comments about mother's ears being so sensitive to the sounds of a baby. It got me to thinking. What about father's ears? I started remembering times when my husband had been more in tune with the children than I was. A song was born.
by Linda McKeeth
copyright 2/23/02
I hear the baby crying, crying in his bed.
And I'm getting up for the second time.
And you lay there sleeping totally unaware.
But that's okay. Yeah, that's just fine.
You don't have those mother's ears,
But you've got those father's ears.
You'll be able to hear,
Things that I can't hear, in later years.
When he's three and wants to carry a suitcase
bigger than he.
I might try to bring him back to reality.
But you'll hear with father's ears,
Someday, I'll be a man.
Then you will help me, help me to understand.
When he's ten and wants to ride his bike across that busy road.
I'll want to hold him close and never let him go.
But you'll hear with father's ears,
I'm trying to be a man.
Then you will help me, help me to understand.
At nineteen he'll want to go to school across the sea.
I'll just shake my head and say this cannot be.
But you'll hear with father's ears,
I've become a man.
Then you will help me, help me to understand.
I hear the baby crying, crying in his bed.
And I'm getting up for the third time.
And you lay there sleeping totally unaware.
But that's okay. Yeah, that's just fine.
As I rock the baby back to sleep, I see a Heavenly view.
The Father sends His Son to earth to save both me & you.
Then with a gentle touch of His awesome hand,
He helps a Heavenly Mother, helps her to understand.
I'm glad you're here to send our son into the
world as a man.
To help him learn to grow and know that he can.
Tonight my quick response will help him learn he's not alone.
Together we will make him, make him a happy home.
I hear the baby crying, crying in his bed.
And I'm getting up for the fourth time.
And you lay there sleeping totally unaware.
I nudge and say, "It's your turn this time."