Story Behind the Song
This song is written for my son Thomas, who has had a rough ride this year as he was diagnosed with Leukaemia in January and went through a bone marrow transplant in May 2002.
Although it is a song I originally wrote before he became ill, it wanted to record it to let him know I will always be there for him (as will all of our family).
A special mention and thanks must go to Simon Clark and here is a brief advert for his recording and production facilities:
CQ Studios is a digital recording facility with an empasis on record production and artist development. It's facilities include, digital multitrack recording plus in house mixing and mastering. With access to a growing number of local session musicians and singers just about any music style is catered for.
Conact details are:
Simon Clark
Tel: 01202 691033
Mobile: 07977 090256
Also, many thanks to Emma Chilvers for her exceptional backing vocals.
Hope you like the song.
Father To Son (I'll Be There For You)
There's that look in your eyes
It's like you've given up before you've tried.
Don't give up so soon,
Leave the darkness for the light of truth.
Just persevere my friend, you'll make it in the end.
I'll be there, father to son.
Don't be afraid, together we'll overcome.
Follow your dreams, they might come true,
No matter what, I'll be there for you.
I'll be there for you.
When it's cold outside,
All your worries will be magnified.
The ice that froze your fun,
Will melt away with the morning sun.
Don't be afraid of defeat, I'll help back on your feet.
You got to learn to be strong
You know that one day I'll be gone.
Don't worry if you make mistakes,
It's all part of life's experience.
Just say my name and close your eyes, and I'll be right by your side.