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Ron Jeremy's Hypothetical

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    "3. Life is a series of highs and lows"genre: Spoken Word
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    I had chicken pox and imagined I was in a dude ranch with three other cowboys, talking about the effectiveness of resisting death. Background music by Stuff:
    CD: Confessions   Label: AniLigital Music
    Credits: Tal Klein / Stuff

    Life is a series of highs and lows. I say that a lot.

    We have the great gift of perspective. The ability to
    see things in context. My first true psychedelic
    adventure was in SUNY Albany. When I say first
    psychedelic adventure, I put aside such mild
    hallucinations like being able to see my reflection
    in my shadow under the heavy influence of good pot,
    and the time I had chicken pox and imagined I was in
    a dude ranch with three other cowboys, talking about
    the effectiveness of resisting death. We're talking
    hardcore doses. Purple lips. They were shaped in such
    a configuration that each perforated tab contained
    half a lip, so if you bought a ten strip you'd get
    a face made out of purple lips. I wasn't really sure
    if I wanted to do it, but I knew that I wanted to see
    inside myself. I had all these great ideas about
    what I would write if I understood philosophy. Up to
    that point, everything I had written either mocked
    philosophers or imitated them. That does not go to
    say that what I had written and thought up to that
    point was not original or creative, but my writing
    lacked the subtle undertone philosophical writers, or
    any writers worth reading have when they write. This
    style of writing is characterized by leaving the
    reader with something to think about. It's no longer
    worth it for me to write something without an undertone,
    I'm not even sure I could if I tried. Ever since I
    ventured into the part of my brain I was looking for,
    I kindof lost the ability to look at things the way I
    used to; with a sort of wise naiveté. I envy those who
    have simultaneous access to intelligence and wisdom.
    Now I'm stuck writing in pure undertone. I often
    associate this undertone with words like god and zen.
    This can be most obviously exemplified by perusing my
    columns, the most ideal of which, for the purpose, is
    one I titled "Zen and the Art of Plinko."

    I had asked Ken Dalton (one of the finest and most
    serenely pissed off persons I have ever had to
    pleasure to know and read), a fellow columnist and
    editor of the op-ed section for the C.W. Post Pioneer,
    to define Plinko for me. His definition: Plinko is the
    game on "The Price is Right" game show where a player
    attempts to get a chip into a slot worth five thousand
    dollars through a maze of studs that sends the chip
    bouncing haphazardly downwards towards a set of slots
    worth insignificant sums of money, aside from the
    aforementioned five thousand dollar slot. A true game
    of chance, Plinko is, allowing the player no method or
    means of foreseeing the direction in which the chip
    will move, or into which slot it will land.

    The rest of the column read as follows:

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