Beware of The Mantis, I'll eat you alive.
He's calling a prayer, preying on you.
The strong survive, through killing's truth.
Use The Power of Darkness and spread your wings.
Here comes the locusts, to devour all things.
I raise a Demon, summoned from beneath the fields.
Fly upon the winds Sorcerers, screaming the end.
Hear my ritual incantations fully phonetisized.
Will you doubt my Powers of Prophecy?
I am The Ventriloquist King, awaken from my sleep.
Nospherotu Rex, what am I saying? King of Darkness!
Come tempt my daimon, feel my divine inspiration.
I can make up words, if I want! Nospherotu Rex!
I'm The master, The Magus Wizard of Lust.
Do all your dreaming and cant defying.
No one stops me from multiplying, my yield.
Every soldier awaits me with sword and shield.
Every defender is a meager stone, waiting to be thrown.
I cast you into battle, all my Legions siege.
All these years, I've held a torch for you.
Now, you'll come burning, screaming from the fumes.
Ashes to your canon, your laws to doom.
Bones and flesh will mark the way to eden.
Homosexual Lovers drive The Horses of Freedom.
The Apocalypse Wrath, sends The Prophet of Death.