Best lapse in time,Best time of day,Best day of a life,Thats past away;I still remember,Like yesterday,Your shimmering eyes,And that smile on your face;Maybe its been too long,Maybe Ive been too far,But my heart beats not,Since Ive last you saw;And youd think Im lying,If you heard me say,That a thought of you,Escapes me not one day; Woke up this morning,And I thought of you,Few seconds after,Shit! I did it too;At one point, You could hear me think,That the worlds an ocean,I was gonna sink;Maybe its been too long,Maybe Ive been too far,But my heart beats not,Since Ive last you saw;And youd think Im lying,If you heard me say,That a thought of you,Escapes me not one day; A simple question,Would you answer me,Why a girl like you,With a guy like me;This tender song,With mellow beat,Attempt in vain,For you to keep;Maybe its been too long,Maybe Ive been too far,But my heart beats not,Since Ive last you saw;And youd think Im lying,If you heard me say,That a thought of you,Escapes me not one day