Story Behind the Song
This was the 3rd or 4th song that G.O.D. wrote. It has evolved from its original state and prolly will continue to do so.
Me on the Sea
when i was a little boy i played along the shores
i skipped rocks in the water, and didnt do me chores
my childhood was mostly spent looking out to sea
all the troubles back on land, didnt bother me
thinking of the future, it was freedom i desired
so when i came of age i applied and i was hired
I began my work on a fishing boat with a 4 man crew
on thursday we set sail to travel the ocean blue
the first few days were hard, bein' the new hand
they made me sort crabs and clean off all the sand
well i sure wasnt the strongest of the crew
but when there was work, Christ, I'd see it through
the captain would often times praise my hard work
and gimme a glass of stout to make me spirits perk
cuz when im happy i can work ten times as hard
and by then i can lift a 10 thousand pound barge
(Drunken Singalong chorous)
While We're Fishing For Bass...
We Get Drunk Off Our Ass!
While We're Fishing For Bass...
We Get Drunk Off Our Ass!
one day in july the wind started roaring
and the captain he told us all to TAKE WARNING!!
the wind she picked up and the waves they crashed down
and our little ship, she was tossed round and round
Al, the first mate, was struck hard by a wave
and he fell off the ship to a watery grave
now it was just roger, the captain and me
as we tried to fight off the wrath of the sea
well we faught it hard, like a trucker fights sleep
but to our dismay the ship hit a reef
Roger was thrown hard into the mast
and it broke the poor man right in half
well now it was just the old captain and I
and by the look of the captain we surely would die
didnt seem to notice the force of the waves
he just stood at the wheel a tear on his face
well the creepiest thing ever happened right then
it now makes me question the minds of all men
the captain he looked me straight in the eye
winked, jumped ship and ended his life
now i was alone and all my fight it had left
so i curled up in a ball and huddld on deck
must have been there an hour, semed like a day
then all of a sudden the storm blew way
(Drunken Singalong chorous part 2)
Though Their Lives Had All Past...
I'm Still Drunk Off My Ass!
Though Their Lives Had All Past...
I'm Still Drunk Off My Ass!
I was blown off the reef and the hull was intact
so i sailed for home my body all hacked
when i reached port i told all the news
went to the pub and baught me some booze
i drank so much booze and got so damned pissed
stumbled out the door to my fabulous ship
as the last living member of the small crew
I'll sail the ship as my own and start new
the captain would want me to continue his quest
to catch all the fish and become the best
i faught the ocean once and it i did beat
fight a thousand times more, and never retreat
and it might be pride or insanity
but the ocean best learn to respect me
ill be the best captain the world has met
catch millions of fish with one giant net
freedom it cannot be found through yer friends
freedoms not money not dollars or cents
freedoms not houses whether its 1, 2 or 10
freedoms not when yer lifes at an end
freedoms not handed out freely by men
freedom is found on the great blue ocean