Story Behind the Song
The song started out as a song by (as far as we know) the U of O group On The Rocks. We decided we didn't like the words, and didn't terribly like the music, either, but it served as an inspiration to this song. We are five guys who live in the Kelsey House at George Fox University. We initially sang the song to each other to try and crack each other up, and then I (Ryan, who can't sing quite as well as the others but have a well practiced pirate impression... see wrote the monologue in the middle. Actually, I wrote the whole thing. I wrote a good portion of it in the shower. It was recorded at Cool Rain Studio in Newberg OR, as part of my Audio Production class. What that basically means is we got the use of the studio for free, and I got credit for doing something that thoroughly cracks me up.
Technical note: The track was recorded and mixed on a Mac G4, using Pro Tools.
Yo ho ho...
Come swab the poopdeck
We'll hoist the sails and set sea
Cause the treasure's across the sea,
X marks the spot
For you and me
On my ship, we'll cross the ocean
Will you come plunder with me?
We'll find a chest of gold and silver
The Pirates of Kelsey
Avast, me matey
Go get your swarthy maids
Cause the parrot sometimes likes to pee
On me,
Somehow, I must be cleaned
Avast, ye scurvy swabs and swarthy maids! Ye've been broadsided by the Kelsey Pirates: Prepare to be boarded!
Now, before we get to swashbuckling, I'll make some introductions. This be Spice Boi, from the steamy underbelly of the lost orient. Over here is Joel the Red, about whom there is nothing red. This be Gimpalong Davey, who does not have a pegleg, but once pulled a hamstring. I am Iron Ryan, and I subsist on a diet of six cold english muffins skewered on a pointed stick. And this be our skipper: Captain McStillinger.
Now, me mateys, ye have but two choices. Either ye'll give us all your booty, we'll scuttle your ship, and we'll leave ye for dead on a desert isle. Or, ye'll all walk the plank. Boys, ready your rusty cutlasses! Hoist the jolly roger! We're sending these lads and lasses to the briny deep!