Story Behind the Song
The motivation behind the song is my love for my Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, who paid the price for my sin on the cross of Calvary by dying in my place. I desire to make this truth known to all the earth, as it is glorious news, freeing us from the penalty of sin, that being eternal separation from God in hell. The lyrics communicate these truths by sharing the perspective of people who encountered Christ, including his apostles, who apparently thought that He would in some way overthrow the tyrannical Roman government of the day. They thought that He was their king in an earthly sense; He was, but not in the sense that they thought. He was so much more than this, being the spiritual king of all that was, is, and is to come. I seek to communicate this reality in the song to both unbelievers and believers alike, that those who do not know Christ as Savior might repent and believe and that Christians might come to a fuller understanding of Christ and his sacrifice. This song took a few hours to write in my dorm room, a few more to record, in probably five takes. One of my favorite songs.
quickly I am taken to a world that is quaking
shaking the foundations of the system that is raking
the unbreaking bones of Messiah, alone, aching
thirsting, no rehearsing for cursing and forsaking.
atonement for a ton of the tainted by the groom,
soon it'd be silent, as a room in empty tomb.
as the lamb gave His blood, the curse was consumed
but for the moment, all the movement of the saved seemed doomed
the apostles, the inner ring, thought the apostolic king
came to earth to give birth to a kingdom, the bells would ring,
trumpeting the lair of the Slayer who would surely bring
death to Roman hordes, the swords would cut and swing
destroying the things that stopped the voices that sing,
murder, death, and wrongs, the throngs angrily fling
their anger, lack of enjoyment, the Lamb had shirked employment
healed the sick and helped the poor, used expensive foot ointment.
ate with common men known for their adjoinment,
to sin and sinful deeds, He bleeds by God's appointment.
My sin requires death, my evil stopped His breath,
Like a lamb, sacrificed, sufficed to clear the rest.
remember in the dust, what he did on the cross,
For sinners he did trust, that our gain was His loss.
in short, the court, convicted, Christ on every claim
the evil and afflicted, declared, their only aim
was to maim, watch suffer, and kill with much pain
the Son on Whom the Father had laid all our blame
sustained the objecting, maintained the deflecting
from sinners to the Lamb who planned for man perfecting
if my voice is not inflecting, the sorrow of this dejecting
scene, it's because, I mean, to be reflecting
on the meaning of this death, it seems that resurrecting
occurred in ugly fashion, passion, was connecting
the lost with One who Finds, the cross, pause, rewind
Christ's death gave life to spite-filled mankind
like knife kills a whine, from pigs who spill rinds,
the sin sacrifice paid the price and killed designs
of devil who bruises heels, we make some heaven appeals
for unregenerated, fated, for ills from seven seals
they yield hopelessness, we bless the Lord who rose
he captivates my soul and saturates my flows.
He died and was buried, His body was carried,
to a grave where God's grace in three days would be married
made alive by the Spirit, resurrection necessary
to give life to His people, steeples point to where He tarries.
He forgives those who turn, from sin, though, He spurns
unforgiven men, He sends, to fire, our sins earned.
one day He will return, scorched earth He will burn
reign in paradise forever, from this flow, I hope you learned.
and are new by His creating, your sins you're daily hating
your heart is washed clean, up in heaven, the Savior's waiting,
to receive his found sheep, y'all keep growing and stating,
the account of mercy rescue, God bless you if you're relating.