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    "It's Time to Give Everyone the Bird"genre: Parodies
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    Families usually get together at Thanksgiving. This dysfunctional family decides to give everyone the bird this Thanksgiving when everyone comes marching home!
    Credits: (c) 2002 Peter Forrest, Veronica Charnley, Kat Caverly

    Story Behind the Song
    This funny song was written for Kat Caverly ( After hearing my zany Halloween music, she asked if I could do any other holidays. So, I took the old "Johnny Comes Marching Home" folk song and created a song about a dysfunctional family at Thanksgiving. Everyone justs wants to give everyone else the bird!

    Our family is getting together on Turkey Day, Hurray
    Thanksgiving tradition is something here to stay, Hurray
    We're cooking up a glorious bird, everyone's coming, haven't you heard?
    And we'll all give thanks in each our own way
    With kind words for each other, Thanksgiving Day

    Mommy is in the kitchen on Turkey Day, Hurray
    She has something she'd always wanted to say, Today
    She works two jobs, cooks all the meals,
    Walks the dog, has potatoes to peel
    It's time to give everyone the bird, she says
    It's time to give everyone the bird

    Daddy is planning to help Thanksgiving Day, Hurray
    He goes in the woods and looks for wild turkey, prey
    He comes back smelling like turkey bourbon
    Empty-handed, and his words a slurrin'
    It's time to give everyone the bird, he says
    It's time to give everyone the bird

    Grandparents are driving down for Turkey Day, Hurray
    They always flatten stop signs on their way, Clear the way!
    Granny goes on about her stuffing
    We open the turkey, there's always nothing
    It's time to give everyone the bird, she says
    It's time to give everyone the bird

    Little brother loves his Turkey Day, Hurray
    Until the parents tell him what to do, and say
    He goes to his room and smashes his toys,
    He'd rather go play with the other boys
    It's time to give everyone the bird, he says
    It's time to give everyone the bird

    It's the first time I'm not home for, Macy's Day
    I'm off at college and really want to keep it, that way
    I'd rather eat KFC in my dorm, cause my family ain't the norm
    So it's time to give everyone the bird, I say
    It's time to give everyone the bird

    The turkeys come marching one by one, Gobble, Gobble
    The turkeys come marching one by one, Gobble, Gobble
    This holiday tale that you've heard
    The pilgrims might think is really absurd
    So it's time to give everyone the bird
    It's time to give everyone the bird.

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