Story Behind the Song
Inspired from the scripture, Ecclesiastes 3, there's a time and a purpose for everything under the heavens. In this fast food society we want everything now. What we need now is the Lord but will we take the time to get to know Him. I hope this song helps someone realize that we need Jesus just to make it in this world, without Him we can do nothing. Just read the scripture, Ecclesiastes chapter 3.
There's a time too laugh, there's a time too cry
There's a time too live, there's a time too die
There's a time too reap, there's a time too sow
There's a time too stay, there's a time too go
What time is it, what time is it
What time is it, what time is it
There's a time too run, there's a time too walk
There's a time too listen, there's a time too talk
There's a time too rejoice, there's a time too mourn
There's a time of decision, well it's time too be reborn
What time is it, what time is it
What time is it, what time is it
lead break
What time is it, what time is it
What time is it, what time is it. It's Time