Story Behind the Song
This is how we were raised. This is why we turned out so well.
Swing Your Bible Belt
Pass around the collection plate
we all know the song.
Swing back, my friends, to the good old days.
We can all swing along.
The end of the earth is coming.
We're growing bald & grey.
Put on your glasses and watch the kids--
there's evil in their play.
Swing your bible belt!
It ain't teaching if it ain't felt.
Strap them in their chairs,
should they mess their diapers or grow their hair.
Swing your bible belt.
Take down the britches 'til the red butt twitches.
God knows we love our children, so
swing your bible belt.
The word is reprehensible,
it means junior's behavior.
The world's going down, but were goin' down swinging,
sure as Christ is our savior.
The strap was good enough for our daddies.
Are you listening in the pews?
Swing back, my friend, to the good old days
and give the devil his due.
[verse 1, stanza 1]
[verse 2, stanza 1]