Story Behind the Song
This did change my life. After meeting myself as a little girl, I started caring for myself like I cared for my children. I needed it reaffirmed that I had rights and was entitled to good things. I think I had this internalized before, but through stress and depression I had lost this.
by Linda E. McKeeth © 5/3/02
Hello little Linda. How do you do?
This is the story of how I met you.
Hello little Linda. Hello.
Going back to school, after my divorce.
The counselor said, "You need to take this course.
It'll help you sort things through.
Then you might know what you want to do.
It has ability and interest tests,
And visualization, where you meet yourself."
"Wait a minute, the tests sound fine,
But visualization, that blows my mind."
"Oh, take the class. Get what you can from it.
The visualization won't hurt you a bit."
"Okay, I'll do it, I guess we'll see,
What it's like meeting me."
Hello little Linda. How do you do?
Looks like I'm going to meet you.
Hello little Linda. Hello.
The last day of class, we were told to relax.
Close our eyes and just sit back.
The teacher read from a set text.
Here is what happened next.
I saw the adult me sitting by a lake,
Holding a doll from when I was eight.
The lake called me to throw the doll in.
I didn't want to, but I finally gave in.
Where the doll sank, a bubble came up.
Floated over to me, I had a look.
Inside was me as a young girl.
She stepped out into my world.
Hello little Linda. How do you do?
This is something, getting to meet you.
Hello little Linda. Hello.
Oh the joy, I felt seeing her.
Love washed over me like waves on the shore.
For my children, I had felt this way,
But for myself, never till that day.
I wanted for her joy, respect, safety,
Love, success and health. She was worthy.
Looking in her eyes, I saw her trust in me.
I had let her down in the past you see.
I hadn't protected her nor taken good care.
If I failed her, no one else was there.
In her eyes, I saw forgiveness.
I determined to do my best.
Hello little Linda. How do you do?
I didn't know how much I needed to meet you.
Hello little Linda. Hello.