Story Behind the Song
After writing about a half dozen songs in a short period, I was amazed how they kept coming. I was reflecting on this and the events that led to the first song. I could see how this new era in my life was an unfolding - because one thing happens another thing happens. As the song says - everything you do and everything that happens is leading somewhere. I've lived long enough to be able to look back over my life and see this time and again. I believe God has a plan for our lives and He tries to lead us. In the past, I have not always let Him lead me. I've resisted, thinking I knew what was best, and not trusting even though I thought I trusted. Today, I try to be more trusting and try to follow His lead with greater faith. But sometimes He gives me gentle reminders that I'm slipping back to my old ways. Maybe this song will help me to better keep this in my remembrance and in how I live my life. I know when I follow and trust and let myself be led, I have greater peace.
Oh yeah, the song that swirled in my head was - You Are So Beautiful To Me. And I use the name Mamma with my songwriting because that is what my children called my mother and what my grandchildren call me. I do it as an honor to my mother, because she was so beautiful to me.
by Linda McKeeth
© 3/15/02
Everything you do and everything that happens
Is leading somewhere, leading somewhere.
Where are you being led to?
At my mama's funeral a song swirled in my head.
I didn't cry, I listened instead
To that song, to that song.
Seemed I could only remember a few lines,
But I put it away till another time.
I'd check it out another time.
So I asked a friend who I thought would know,
Or at least where I, I could go
To find that song, find that song.
He said you can search on the internet,
And later I did just that.
Found that song, found that song.
Was there a message in those lyrics I might find?
There was, but at first I was blind.
Didn't see the message for me.
You see that song was only those few lines.
And this thought pushed deep in my mind.
Into my heart and into my mind.
Wow a song can be pretty simple,
And still touch a heart and be wonderful.
Maybe I can write a song, a simple song.
At Christmas, a friend says it's been a tough year.
Let's not buy each other presents, if you don't care.
I didn't buy. I didn't buy.
From my heart, I remembered that thought.
A song can be simple. I hadn't forgot.
I can write a song. Wrote him a song.
Riding in my car, the radio quit working.
Going down the road, I found myself humming
Another song. Wrote another song.
Not long after that I took a chance on love.
It didn't work out, and we broke up.
Inspired more songs, two more songs.
This all came about in my later history.
Grandkids have brought back memories to me.
Wrote them in a song, in a song.
Can't finish this story 'til the final curtain.
But it's leading somewhere good, of this I am certain.
I love writing songs, so lead me on.
See who's your leader. Is it someone you can trust?
Then listen more and stop resisting so much.
Follow His lead. Follow His lead.
Everything you do and everything that happens
Is leading somewhere, leading somewhere.
Where are you being led to?