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    "I Could Kill You"  Parental Advisorygenre: Industrial Metal
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    Hard, grinding industrial music with lyrics that are silly in a sick way. Song describes various methods of killing people. Inspired by gorey movies and reading the local newspaper about all the fucking psychos that live around us. [added to mp3.com10.25.01]
    CD: [unreleased] recorded winter 1993   Label:
    Credits: ::: dD: drum machine programming, vocals, samples, keyboards::: Dave: guitars

    Story Behind the Song
    The public motivated me to write this song.
    The lyrics represent real people that we all share the sidewalks with.

    Lyrics were written in a couple days.

    Song took a couple months to record in a basement during the night-time. It was dark and I had mylar above my head.

    Dave played the guitar while I adjusted the effects on the guitar all the way through the song.

    I'm just an average person
    but there are SO many ways that
    I could kill you, I could kill you

    If I pushed you off that ledge
    it would crack open your head
    I could kill you, I could kill you

    As I watch you in the pool,
    maybe I'll throw in a power tool
    I could kill you, I could kill you

    I'll just smack you with my Olds
    and have your flesh turn into mold
    I could kill you, I could kill you

    I'll dice you with my knife
    and then I'll go and fuck your wife
    I could kill you, I could kill you

    "You see, every moment that I look at you,
    I think of a different way to give you pain.
    It could happen any second,
    one moment you could be standing there
    admiring the sunset and feeling on top of the world, and the next thing you kow you're
    being struck in the head...
    with a sledge-hammer..."

    I could kill you (x4)

    Some night while you're dreaming
    You'll wake in pain and screaming
    I could kill you, I could kill you

    As we ride around in the rain
    I might just swerve into the other lane
    I could kill you, I could kill you

    Death by de-capatation
    drives me to masturbation
    I could kill you, I could kill you

    Kill your husband on the altar
    and I'll skin your 9 y.o. daughter
    I could kill you, I could kill you

    I'll drink your blood while fresh
    After rolling through warm flesh
    I could kill you, I could kill you

    Chop you on national news
    While i'm loaded on drugs and booze
    I could kill you, I could kill you

    If you make me mad
    You'll float like Jordans dad
    I could kill you, I could kill you!

    "You're facinated with death,
    you love death,
    you want to kill everyone & everything
    you want to kill everyone & everything
    Slowly and painfully
    you want to kill everyone & everything
    including yourself........"

    I'm just an average person
    but there are so many ways
    I could Kill you I could kill you

    I walk all alone, I start to talk to myself
    ...I could kill you ...I could kill you...

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