The Ratcatcher's Daughter
Reverend E. Bradley (19th Century Lyric)
Not long ago, in Vestministier,
There lived a ratcatcher's daughter,
But she didn't quite live in Vestministier,
'Cause she lived t'other side of the vater;
Her father caught rats, and she sold sprats,
All round and about the quarter;
And the gentlefolks all took off their hats,
To the putty litle ratcatcher's daughter!
Doodle dee ! Doodle dum ! Di dum doodle da !
Now, rich and poor, both far and near,
In matrimony sought her;
But at friends and foes she turn'd up her nose,
Did the putty little ratcatchers daughter.
For there was a man, sold lily-vite sand,
In Cupid's net had caught her
And right over head and ears in love
Vent the putty litle ratcatcher's daughter!
Doodle dee ! Doodle dum ! Di dum doodle da !
Now ratcatcher's daughter so ran in his 'ead,
He couldn't tell vat he was arter,
So, instead of crying 'D'yew vant any sand!'
He cried, 'D'ye vant any ratcatcher's daughter ?'
His donkey cocked his ears and laughed,
And couldn't think vat he was arter,
Ven he heard his lily-vite sandman cry,
'D'ye vant any ratcatcher's daughter ?'
Doodle dee ! Doodle dum ! Di dum doodle da !
They both agreed to married be
Upon next Easter Sunday,
But Ratcatcher's Daughter, she had a dream
That she wouldn't be alive on Monday;
She vent vunce more to buy some sprats,
And she tumbled into the vater,
And down to the bottom, all kiver'd up with mud,
Vent the puty little ratcatcher's daughter !
Doodle dee ! Doodle dum ! Di dum doodle da !
Ven Lily-vite Sand 'e 'eard the news,
His eyes ran down with water,
Said 'e 'In love I'll constiant prove,
And blow me if I live ong arter.'
So he cut 'is throat vith a pane of glass,
And stabbed 'is donkey arter!
So 'ere is an end of Lily-vite Sand,
Donkey, and the ratcatcher's daughter!
Doodle dee ! Doodle dum ! Di dum doodle da !
The neighbours all, both great and small,
They flocked unto 'er berrein',
And vept that a gal who'd cried out 'Sprats!'
Should be dead as any herrein'.
'Twas a haccdent they all agreed,
And nuffink like self-slaughter,
So no guiltee of 'fell in the sea',
They brought in the ratcatcher's daughter!
Doodle dee ! Doodle dum ! Di dum doodle da !