Story Behind the Song
Mankind becomes more and more intelligent. But since everything has got
a circle, human mankind arrives on the highest level of intelligence to
revert to the beginning, where folly and madness starts. While doing so
it destroys the earth in its function of a living space.
In contrast to the opinion of sceptics, for whom a prophecy is only
believable when it comes true, negative prophecies only have an effect
when they are noticed and prehented from coming reality.
Written in autumn of 2000, we recorded it in January 2001 at LFT-Studios, Rodgau, Germany. Produced by AMYRIS, the track was again mixed by Marc Bugnard.
On a cold black misty rainy winter night
Woe filled the air under full moon’s smile
I saw him standing there, the shadows of the sad man
With eyes glowing like fire, he reached out his hands
In the same time I heard his sad voice calling
"You were the chosen one my son the messenger of the 7th sign!"
"Why couldn’t you make them believe in my words, in my prophecy
Now it’s my final command
It’s up to you to make them understand!"
"It’s up to you my son"
Paralysed this night I felt my blood was running cold
The same fear inside hypnotized my mind
He cried: "Go out my son, it’s my final warning!
Tell all the crowds, make them all believe
Black rain will fall and turn to ice on earth,
My final prophecy, soon conclusion time will fall."
I heard a sad voice calling words of doom,
No rescue for mankind, it’s Armageddon time
I saw a sad man falling,
Tears turned to ice like black rain from the sky,
No rescue for mankind, tears will turn to ice
I heard a sad voice calling
I saw a sad man falling
Words: Chris Marino
© 2001 AMYRIS