Story Behind the Song
I wrote the song in my bedroom,(took about 3 days to write)recorded it at Studio2002,recorded it in 1 take.
Jasper and Jacinth,Topaz,Sapphires...
These are the things,that I truly desire..
Onyx and Beryl,Rubies and Gold..
These are the colors,I wear on my soul...
Matthew,Mark,Luke and John-
Some of my favorite names for so long-
They're standing in order....
Great Soldiers they are...
And these are the saints-
Surrounding my heart....
The Angels are watching,
They stand at the gates...
Beholding the Father,
And patiently they wait...
It's getting much brighter,
With each step I take....
And the Glorious Son shines,
While I bask in His rays....
Jasper and Jacinth..Silver and Gold-
These are the colors...
That make my new Home....