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    "Forugh Farokhzad Skyship2"genre: Contemporary
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    Gift, Conquering the Garden, I'll be greeting the Sun again. 3 Fascinating Songs by Forugh Farrokhzad, in Farsi original and English translation by Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak. CD: Rumi Air ~ Shirazi Water - buy it!buy it!
    CD: Forugh Farrokhzad Skyship   Label: Fascinating Rise
    Credits: Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak & Fascinating Rise

    Story Behind the Song
    I was reading the Immortal Forugh Farrokhzad since I learned to read & write.
    While visiting Friends in Westwood, California I received 20 of her works as a present that was along with the English translation of Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak.
    So I invited the Kind Friend who saw such a precious book in, a roomy bright store in Westwood Boulevard, to read The Zendeh_yaad Forugh Farrokhzad in English while I read in Farsi. And he did.

    Forugh Farrokhzad has been Inspiring & motivating millions of her friends with her great pioneering spirit through her work, and is living in the Hearts of Compassionate and intelligent men and women on Earth.

    We would like to dedicate the Fresh Air of Forugh Farrokhzad to Siavash Ghomayshi, with the hope to make a CD of the work of Forugh Farrokhzad with him.

    Fascinating Rise Skyship 2 takes You into the Space Garden of Forugh Farrokhzad, original in Farsi, and the translation in English by Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak. To read the original texts in Farsi, copy this link into a new browser window:

    Hedye ( Present, Gift ), Fath~A~baagh ( Conquering the Garden ), Beh Aaftaab Salaami dobaareh khaaham daad ( I'll be greeting the Sun again )


    I speak out of the deep night
    out of the deep of darkness
    and out of the deep night I speak.

    If you come to my dwelling, my friend

    bring me a lamp

    and a window I can look through
    at the crowd in the happy alley.

    Conquering the Garden

    The hooded crow that flew off
    above our heads
    piercing the disparate thoughts of a vagrant cloud
    whose cry, like a short spear, traversed the horizon
    will spread the news about us throughout the town.

    Everyone knows
    everyone knows
    that you and I peered into the garden,
    through that cold, captious casement,
    and picked the apple
    from that playful, out-of-reach branch.

    Everyone fears
    everyone fears -but you and I ,
    joined the lamp, the water, the mirror,
    and feared not.

    I speak not of the flimsy bond between two names,

    or union somewhere inside the pulping pages of an ancient ledger

    I speak of my happy hair,
    touched by the burning peonies of your kisses
    and the defiant intimacy of our bodies,
    and the brilliance of our nakedness,
    like the scale of a fish under water.

    I speak of the life in a silvery tune
    the little jetting spring murmurs at dawn.

    One night
    in that green succulent forest
    we asked of the wild hare,
    in that cold blooded, tumultuous sea
    we asked of the pregnant mother-of-pearl,
    and atop that odd-looking towering peak
    we asked of the young eagles
    what to do.

    Everyone knows
    everyone knows

    that we have found our way to the cold and quiet repose of the phoenix

    that we have found the truth in a flower bed
    deep in the bashful eyes of a nameless flower

    and immortality
    in the limitless moment
    when the two suns gazed at each other.

    I speak not of a fearful whispering in the dark,
    but of the day, and of wide open windows
    and of fresh air
    and of a stove in which useless things burn to ash,
    and of an earth bearing a seed of another kind,
    and of birth, growth, pride.
    I speak of our loving hands
    when they have built their bridge above the dark night,
    over which travel messages of perfume, light, and breeze.

    Come to the meadow
    to the vast meadow
    and call me from behind the breath of silk-tasseled
    like a stag calling his mate.

    The drapes are doleful with hidden envy
    and innocent little doves
    on top of the white tower
    lower their heads to the ground.

    I'll Be Greeting the Sun Again

    I'll be greeting the sun again
    and the stream that flowed in me
    and the clouds that were my long thoughts
    and the painful growth of the aspens in the grove,
    that passed through droughts with me.
    I'll be greeting the flocks of crows,
    who brought me as souvenirs
    smells of the fields at night.

    I'll be greeting my mother again
    who lived in the mirror
    and resembled my old age
    and the earth whose inner parts
    my lust for renewal
    had sown with green seedlings.

    I shall come, I shall come, I shall come
    with my hair: diffusing smells of the underworld,
    with my eyes: intense experiences beyond the wall.

    I shall come, I shall come, I shall come
    and the threshold will be,
    replete with love, and I'll be greeting again
    those who love
    and the girl still waiting
    at the threshold replete with love.

    Original by Forukh Farrokhzad
    Translation by Ahmad Karimi-Hakkak

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