Story Behind the Song
It's about how a girl wouldn't go out with me so i started binging everyday. Soon enough she wasnt my girlfriend and I had acne.
Hey girl, you're so sweet just like candy. I wanna be your friend just like sandy. But you turned me down just like kacie. Can you at least be my friend just like stacie.
Now you make me feel like shit all the time. Cause you wouldn't say "oh be mine". Now all i do is watch Spongebob all day. I don't know if its march or may.
I cut your name, In my arm. And it hurts, it hurts, it hurts. Will you at least be my friend.. this time.
My fat friend Phillip he said, "Put your worries aside and get fed." Greasy food will make you feel better, even if you've spilled it on your red sweater.
All i eat is hot dogs, chips and prime rib. Chicken and pork sometimes on my bib. French fries and those lil' mc nuggets. They're perfect if you've got the buggets.
I cut your name, In my arm. And it hurts, it hurts, it hurts. This Pimple's Growing for you.