Story Behind the Song
The Reverend Dr. Paul H. Durbin, pastor of the North Eaton Christian Church (Discples of Christ), had become familiar with my songwriting and asked for a song to accompany an upcoming sermon about Joseph. During Advent, he was going to do a series of monologues which highlighted some of the people in the Christmas story. I had already written "Mary" and "Elizabeth's Song" for the Reverend Tim Ahrens (Bethany UCC, Cleveland) several years prior, so now "Only Joseph" was added to my list of Bible character songs. ("Jonah", a silly audience-particpation favorite also written during my UCC days, will be finished very shortly and added to this site. It'll be recorded LIVE at my band's 11/8/02 show at the Eagle's Nest. See my events calendar for details!)
A righteous man, a faithful man; trust in God had he.
A man of honor and sympathy for his wife to be.
Well, she came to him with astounding news—now, what was he to do?
But an angel said, “Be not afraid; your virgin tells the truth.”
The man was Joseph, the husband of Mary; a carpenter, that’s all.
The leader of his family, yet his importance is never recalled.
For he was only “Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus.”
In second place to his holy mate, yet for him, that was enough.
He didn’t send the girl away. To duty he was true.
He took the young girl for his bride and watched the child as he grew.
Well, he taught the boy his lifelong trade, the lessons shared in love.
And the gentleness of the boy’s father on earth helped him know his Father above.
And the man was Joseph, the husband of Mary; a carpenter, that’s all.
The leader of his family, yet his importance is never recalled.
For he was only “Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus.”
In second place to his holy mate, yet for him, that was enough.
He obeyed God’s messenger, never mind what the neighbors say.
He more than met responsibility, but if you look him up today—
He’s only listed as “Joseph, the husband of Mary the mother of Jesus.”
But he stepped aside for his holy bride for the will of the Father of us.
Yes, he was only “Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus.”
In second place to his holy mate, yet for him, that was enough.
Yes, he was only “Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus.”
In second place to his holy mate, yet for him, that was enough.
For he was only “Joseph, the husband of Mary, the mother of Jesus.”