"Hi you guys! You listen to fupong, huh? This is FUpong. This song is by fupong."
Dance, Dance, Dance, Dance ("Yeea!")
"Fupong bihehehtch. Fupooong! Fupong, bitch. Fupong- bitch. Fupong bitch. Fooo! Beeeyatch! Fupong, bitchhh-ahhh."
Come on, Come on ("Beyatch.")
Come on, Dance, Come on, Dance
"Yyah! Yyaah! Yyaah!"
"Do, or do not; there is no try."
Come on
"Gentlemen, what do you want on your Pizza? I'm buying."
"Oh yeah, there's something I want to make clear. It's barley-bosh-, not barley-baash- n' shit. barley-bosh-. barley-baash-? No. barley-bosh-? Yeea. A'ight? Tight."
ooh! ooh-ooh-ooh-ooh
Wide open
Reality is a nice place.
But I wouldn't want them in there.
"Hey jigga who's this song by?"
"This is barleybosh."
"Oh yeah?"
"For reals?"
"I know."
"This is some tight shit, man."
"Hellz yeah."